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About the Models


The Yeoh model is used to describe the nonlinear elastic behavior of rubber-like materials. The Yeoh model is especially useful for materials that experience significant stretches, making it a popular choice in the analysis and design of components subjected to large strains, such as tires, seals, and biomedical devices.

Mooney Rivlin

The Mooney-Rivlin model is used to describe the nonlinear elastic behavior of rubber-like materials. It extends the Neo-Hookean model by considering two invariants of the deformation tensor, allowing for a more accurate representation of material behavior under large deformations.


The Neo-Hookean model is used to describe the nonlinear elastic behavior of materials, particularly suitable for rubber-like substances and biological tissues. The model accounts for large deformations. It is based on a strain energy density function, which provides a relationship between the material's stress and its deformation.

HGO Model

HGO model is widely used in biomechanics and bioengineering for analyzing and predicting the behavior of soft tissues in physiological and pathological conditions.

Ogden Model

The Ogden model is used to describe the nonlinear elastic behavior of hyperelastic materials, such as rubber and biological tissues. It is particularly effective for materials that exhibit large deformations and is widely used in engineering and biomechanics.

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